Skamania County
Home MenuTelephone Requests
Legal Descriptions via Telephone
Legal descriptions can be lengthy and technical. Due to this and the possibility of human error, legal descriptions will not be given verbally. We will, however, be happy to provide you with a copy of your legal description. To obtain a copy of the legal description of any document recorded in the Auditor's Office, you can either come in to our office or make a request in writing. You may also contact the Skamania County Assessor's office at 509-427-3720 for additional help with legal descriptions.
Document Requests via Telephone
We can offer limited search assistance over the phone. Once the correct document has been found, you may send a written request for a copy or email of the recorded document with appropriate payment. Once payment is received your documents will be sent. There are times when we are prevented from fulfilling a quick telephone search. You must either come in and perform the search yourself with our assistance or send us a written request including the appropriate search and copy fees.